What we do
The Council recognises the importance of supporting groups, organisations and charities that benefit the local community, and that making grants is a valuable method of support. St Germans Parish Council has an open, consistent and easily understood approach to awarding its grants. Please access the Grant Policy 2022To apply please complete the Grant application form 2022 or contact the Clerk to request the formaccess through the documents section on this website.
The precept is the part of your council tax that the
Parish Council request each year in order for it to fulfil its financial
obligations and serve the parish of St Germans. The amount the Parish
Council requests is then divided between every household within the
parish, what you pay is then dependent on what tax banding your property
The Parish Council is notified of planning applications within
the parish* and can make representations on your behalf. However, the
Council is only one voice. Please let us know if you object to a
planning application but also contact Cornwall Planning department yourself to explain your reasons for opposing the plan. Email: planning@cornwall.gov.uk
* The Parish Council is not always notified about Pre-applications (PREAPP) or Prior Approval Applications (PAA).
Please also note that sometimes planning applications are
received after the monthly agenda has been published and these applications will still be included
in that months meeting. We will always try and post changes on the
website, but this cannot be guaranteed. If in doubt, attend the Parish
Council meeting.
Representatives to Other Bodies:
Climate Action
Cllr Nicola Griffin and Cllr Lizzy Stroud
Cornwall Gateway Community Network Panel
Cllr Witton (voted representative) and Cllr Hodge
Emergency plan
Cllr Nicola Griffin, Cllr Alan Hodge and Cllr Nigel Witton
Gateway Climate working group
Councillor Lizzy Stroud and Councillor Nicola Griffin
Nut Tree
Cllr Pipe, Cllr Griffin and Cllr Witton
Port Eliot Working Group
All Councillors
Rame Cluster meetings
Cllr Nicola Griffin & Cllr Alan Hodge
Saltash Area Road Safety (SARS)
Cllr Hodge, Cllr Barnes and Cllr Chilton
St Germans Playpark
Cllr Elliott and Cllr Witton
Tideford Air Quality Working Group
Cllr Hodge, Cllr Witton and Cllr Barnes
Tideford playpark
Cllr Hodge and Cllr Skelton
Transport (Buses and rail users)
Cllr Skelton & Cllr Hodge